Our speakers for the seminar were Dr. Don Edward Carleton, director of the Center of American History at the University of Texas and Clarise Fleck Soper,  well known professional genealogist and genealogical writer.


Don Edward Carleton, BA, MA, PhD

  Dr. Carleton is the executive director of the Center of American History at the University of Texas in Austin and has been since its creation in 1991. Previously he was head of the University's Eugene Barker History Center.  In 1975 he was founding director of the of the Houston Metropolitan Research Center. He served until 1979 when he left to go to the University of Texas in Austin. While with the HMRC he established The Houston Review: A Journal of History and Culture on the Gulf Coast.  

Dr. Carleton has served as an historical lecturer and consultant world wide. He has published award winning books as well as numerous articles in magazines, porfessional journals, and newspapers.

He was an historical advisor to novelist James A. Michener for his novel TEXAS. Other areas where he served as advisor/consultant are Walter Cronkite for his memoir, A Reporter's Life  and a series of documentaries on the Discovery Channel, as well as Consultant for CNN and PBS. He currently serves as an Oral Historian and Advisory Board member for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.      He has recieved numerous honors and awards.


A professional genealogist since 1978, Mrs. Soper is a graduate of the National Genealogy Society's home study program, American Genealogy: a Basic Course. She is a member of the Professional Genealogist Association, The National Genealogical Society and numerous state and local societies.

For more than five years she was the genealogy columnist for The Hattiesburg American newspaper. She was editor of Southern Footprints magazine.

She coauthored with Myrna Lazenby Abstracts of Marion County, Mississippi 2nd District Marriage Records (records now held in Lamar County). She has had several articles published in Ancestory magazine.

She has taught classes on genealogy at The Osher Life Long Institute at University of Southern Mississippi. She has been guest speaker at various libraries, societies, and organizations through out the state.

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Plans for another seminar are on hold.

If you have a topic you would like to see covered in a seminar, you may write or email us. See our contact page for proper addresses.  

The 2008 seminar was held on April 12, 2008 in the Peck House Annex in Hattiesburg.